RE: Requirements
From: "Michele Marques" <marquesm -at- autros -dot- com>
Reply-To: "Michele Marques" <marquesm -at- autros -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Subject: RE: Requirements
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:32:01 -0500
Bruce Byfield wrote:
> What, you didn't get "Why do you want this job?" :-)
> I don't know about you, but this question is always a temptation to
> sarcasm for me. The only real answer is, "Because I need the money,
> and working at your company is marginally better than selling my
> body on the street," but, of course, I can't say that in case I
> sound cynical.
Think of the question as more "Why are you applying for this job instead of
the 20 other tech. writing jobs advertised?"
Usually there's something about the job or the company that appeals to you.
Usually when I need a job, I just need a job. I'm not looking for something more interesting or whatever. So I tend to apply to anything that looks like my skill set will suit, in the pay range I can live with, in a limited geographical range. The reason I'm applying for this job is because I need a job, more money, or to stop driving 90 minutes one way every day.
The two offers I'm facing right now are almost identical, which is giving me sleepless nights. Both are for software development companies of about the same size. The money is the same. One is 15 miles away (Pasadena), the other is a little ways past that one on the same freeway (Monrovia). For one I'll have to learn Framemaker, for the other Dreamweaver, so a new tool is in my future no matter what. In Monrovia, I'll be one of 3 writers, in Pasadena I'll be alone. In both places I'll likely be writing tech doc, marketing, sales, and whatever words in a row are required.
The major difference seems to be that in Pasadena, I'll be more directly involved in the development stage, even in some "business analysis" which sounds cool. But that's not why I applied to this company, because I only learned that in the second interview!
Maggie Secara
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