RE: Requirements
From: "Le Vie, DonaldX S" <donaldx -dot- s -dot- le -dot- vie -at- intel -dot- com>
Yes, I totally agree. Too many people go into interviews with the wrong
mindset. Nearly every time I've gone in to an interview with the mindset
that "I'm going to control the pace and flow of the interview," I got the
job or contract. I think maybe such an attitude comes with a certain sense
of maturity and comfort with your knowledge base, skill set, and
experience...not to mention problem-solving ability.
Questions answered recently:
Q: What do you think is your strongest asset as a writer.
A: I'm very very good.
(I suppose my weakness must be my crippling humility.)
Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
A: I've been a writer for a long time. Where was I five years ago? Writing about something new with interesting, intelligent people. Five years from now, I expect that will still be true.
(God I hate this question, and I've decided to just say so.)
Q: How would you handle a difficult boss?
A: It depends. If he's mean, I'll cry. If he keeps it up, I'll leave. Nobody has to put up with that kind of crap.
(They made the offer, by the way.)
There were some other good ones. In the first interviews of this particular job search I think I was just out of practice.
And you're right about the interviewers. People in startups have to
wear so many hats that they can't do it all well, which is why you get the
CFO interviewing the technical writer candidate...
Well, it was the CTO at least, and the QA manager. They were all of 18 months old. I got the feeling I was the only writer they even talked to! They looked at my samples and oohed and ahed over the format, but I dn't think they actually read anything. It's a good thing I'm as good as I say I am, or who knows what they might have hired!
Of course, they're gone now <sniff>. Oh well.
Maggie Secara
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