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Barbara Stuhlemmer wrote:
> Since our company's restructuring in October I've been given the title of
> web admin (along with my regular help creation duties). It basically
> entails updating HTML pages, which is just fine with me. The marketing
> manager and I have agreed that the site navigation is more than lacking and
> we want to make some major changes. Now I have some major decisions to make
> on these changes and I don't have enough experience to do this.
> We are going to get rid of the tab images that are not consistent throughout
> the site and replace it with a simpler drop-down Java script menu type
> header.
What about people like me who disable Javascript (and cookies) for security
reasons? If I'm feeling paranoid, I disable Java as well.
> I've had to add navigation links to the bottom of every page,
> since
> search engine spiders sometimes take individual pages instead of the index
> page that creates the frames with the navigation headers. Do we want to stay
> with frames
I think that has changed, but they're still "use with caution".
> or should we be looking at templates or other format layouts? Do
> we want to use Java script with a 128b link speed?
Do you want to use Javascript at all? Certainly your site should not depend
on it.
> I am looking for tips on good books, sites and other lists that can help
> answer these and other questions we have.
I've seen a lot of recommendations for a book on database-driven websites.
The author's site is I've read a chapter or two he has online.
Looks like fine stuff to me.
Develop HTML-based Help with Macromedia Dreamweaver! (STC Discount.)
**NEW DATE/LOCATION!** January 16-17, 2001, New York, NY. or 800-646-9989.
Sponsored by DigiPub Solutions Corp, producers of PDF 2001
Conference East, June 4-5, Baltimore/Washington D.C. area. or toll-free 877/278-2131.
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