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This issue was thouroughly kicked around on the gnome-doc list recently. The
proposed alternatives included just numbering the mouse buttons, i.e., MB1
and MB2. The problem was that many people use mice, trackballs, and other
similar peripherals that have multiple buttons, wheels, etc. No resolution
was agreed upon, yet.
Inane as it may be, "If they're smart enough to figure out how to swap mouse
buttons, they
must be smart enough to figure out which button to use for what regardless
of what the manual says" seems to be the best answer, so far.
John Gilger
Technical Writer
Acres Gaming, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rock, Megan [mailto:Megan -dot- Rock -at- fanucrobotics -dot- com]
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 12:33 PM
Subject: RE: right-click menu?
I know that Microsoft's Manual of Style says to tell users to "right-click,"
but I mouse with my left hand and have my mouse buttons reversed. I
recently went through several tutorials in a manual that kept telling me to
right-click. I'll admit that even though I'm quite competent with a
computer, I still had to think twice to figure out that for me,
"right-clicking" really meant "left-clicking."
Is anyone out there using neutral terms for instances like this? If so,
what terms do you use? Or do you just assume your readers will figure it
out? "If they're smart enough to figure out how to swap mouse buttons, they
must be smart enough to figure out which button to use for what regardless
of what the manual says."
~Megan Rock
Technical Writer
FANUC Robotics North America, INC.
Views presented and opinions held are not necessarily those of my friends,
family, or employer.
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