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Subject:Re: Contests for Technical Documentation? From:Brent -dot- Jones -at- Level3 -dot- com To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Fri, 5 Jan 2001 14:32:21 -0700
David Berg wrote on Friday, January 05, 2001 12:23 PM:
> I also just received a brochure for a contest, called the Communicator
> Awards. From reading their information I'm a little skeptical
> about their
> outfit, it sounds a little like the old "send us $50 for a
> copy of the book
> and we'll include you in the 1999 edition of Billy Bob's Who's Who."
> Am I just being overly pessimistic? Ahas anyone ever heard of
> this outfit?
I just thought to do a Google search on the snailmail address given on the
Communicator Awards site, and found that the Videographer Awards
( organization, "a national awards program
directed by communications professionals to honor talented individuals and
companies in the video production field," coincidentally has the same
address. They must be awfully busy there in Arlington, Texas. Apparently ABC
News thinks highly enough of this award to pony up the $37.50 entry fee, as
it was listed as one of the 2000 award winners. So was Nike. I guess Nike
thought the Cleo's were too obscure, and wanted to enter a competition with
a higher profile.
Brent Jones
brent -dot- jones -at- level3 -dot- com
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