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Subject:RE: HTML v .hlp [clarification] From:"David Knopf" <david -at- knopf -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Fri, 5 Jan 2001 12:42:37 -0800
In response to Paul Hanson, I wrote:
| Paul Hanson wrote:
| | The other thing I just realized I forgot to mention is that the
| | programming
| | software we are going to be converting to does not support HTML. In my
| | eagerness to rant, I forgot that fact.
| That doesn't make sense to me. If your application can call
| WinHelp, it can
| call HTML Help. The mechanisms are nearly identical.
Paul contacted me off-list about this. Just to set the record straight, Paul
is working with AS/400 tools which, in fact, do support WinHelp but don't
support HTML Help. Just goes to show: anything's possible!
Develop HTML-based Help with Macromedia Dreamweaver! (STC Discount.)
**NEW DATE/LOCATION!** January 16-17, 2001, New York, NY. or 800-646-9989.
Sponsored by DigiPub Solutions Corp, producers of PDF 2001
Conference East, June 4-5, Baltimore/Washington D.C. area. or toll-free 877/278-2131.
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