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Subject:RE: Kill that color information! From:"David Berg" <dberg -at- dmpnet -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Fri, 5 Jan 2001 12:57:20 -0600
> I need to clean up a mess I made in a hurry.
> I was placing color jpegs in my illustrator 9.0 eps files (for a
> frame doc)
> I forgot (because time and deadlines are so short) to kill or
> grayscale the
> jpegs before I placed them for call-outs. The original jpegs are probably
> just a number and spread across many days work folders.
> How can I reduce the eps file size (resulting from the color info of the
> place image QUICKLY, and EFFICIENTLY
How are you distributing this information? If you're publishing PDFs, then
you could simply generate a b&w PDF. I'm sure that would be obvious enough
though. If you are going to send out postscript files, then just use a
postscript driver for a b&w laser printer. I've used the driver for the HP
4MV once or twice.
These ideas may not fill your needs, but if they suffice then you could
avoid converting the images separately.
David Berg
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