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Subject:Kill that color information? Batch conversion! From:"Hart, Geoff" <Geoff-H -at- MTL -dot- FERIC -dot- CA> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Fri, 5 Jan 2001 13:25:42 -0500
Archimede Ziviello <<... needs to clean up a mess I made in a hurry. I was
placing color jpegs in my illustrator 9.0 eps files (for a frame doc) I
forgot (because time and deadlines are so short) to kill or grayscale the
jpegs before I placed them for call-outs. How can I reduce the eps file size
(resulting from the color info of the place image QUICKLY, and
I'm not familiar with the current version of Illustrator, but check the
manual and online help under "batch conversion" or "scripting" (macro) to
see if Adobe's provided such a function. If not, have a look at two
products: DeBabelizer, and GraphicConverter Pro, both of which allow all
kinds of funky format conversions and (if memory serves) let you do batch
conversions on all the files in a certain folder. I don't have URLs for
either product, but a Web search should turn them up quickly enough. There's
also some nifty shareware entitle Irfanview (named after the creator) that
does batch conversions; send e-mail to irfan -at- linux -dot- edvz -dot- tuwien -dot- ac -dot- at to
obtain details.
--Geoff Hart, FERIC, Pointe-Claire, Quebec
geoff-h -at- mtl -dot- feric -dot- ca
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