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Re: Should writers develop their own illustrations?
Subject:Re: Should writers develop their own illustrations? From:Mike Starr <writstar -at- wi -dot- net> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Thu, 4 Jan 2001 17:54:08 -0600
John Posada jposada01 -at- yahoo -dot- com said...
> Since most of the times I'm documenting windows software, I found
> that Visio is excellent for creating mockups of UIs. There are a set
> of windows elemenmts that allow you to create the interface that the
> user would see in the application, before any code is developed
> (screens, dialogs, message boxes, you name it.
Seems to me to be counterproductive to develop the mockups in Visio then
the developers have to repeat the task. I've developed the mockups in the
past using Visual Basic, then passed the files right over to the
development team and they've been able to add all the "under the hood"
programming without having to repeat the steps for creating the UI. One
of the fringe benefits of that approach is that the developer's poor
spelling doesn't become an issue.
Mike Starr WriteStarr Information Services
Technical Writer - Online Help Developer - Technical Illustrator
Graphic Designer - Desktop Publisher - MS Office Expert
Telephone (262) 694-0932 - Pager (414) 318-9509 - writstar -at- wi -dot- net
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