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Subject:RE: Argh! Indexing in FM 6.0 From:"DeGuzman, Kathi" <Kathi -dot- Deguzman -at- Nextel -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Thu, 4 Jan 2001 14:23:56 -0500
A friend of mine recently posed a similar FM problem, that she was having,
to me. She has several chapters that were created in FM 6.0 (as was the
book). However she cannot change the numbering order of the chapters either.
I tried to help her but at the time I just had FM 5.5. I finally gave up and
ordered an update for Frame. I will get it tonite.
In the meantime, if anyone has the answer to Chris's first question, I am
sure it will be the answer to my friend's question as well. I plan on
installing Frame tonight and seeing if I can figure it out myself. BUt oh
what time will be saved if someone already knows what to do.
BTW, did you know that you cannot save a FM 6.0 doc back to 5.5? And, 5.5
won't open a 6.0 file. Is that normal?
Kathi Jan DeGuzman
Senior Technical Writer
Kathi -dot- Deguzman -at- nextel -dot- com <mailto:Kathi -dot- Deguzman -at- nextel -dot- com>
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