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Subject:RE: FAQs in user guides? From:Sanjay Srikonda <SSrikonda -at- invlink -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Wed, 3 Jan 2001 10:54:22 -0500
I've usually seen FAQs as either part of a separate file or posted to the
Website (if one exists). Oftentimes, the FAQ is updated pretty frequently
(no pun intended).
Almost certainly not. In my not so humble opinion, all the frequently asked
questions should be answered directly in the manual, in the right place and
context and somewhere they can be easily found via the index. The worst
thing about typical FAQs is that they're simple braindumps, with no logical
or other organisation, and finding the answer to a question requires readers
to skim the entire FAQ, desperately hoping they'll find a question that
resembles the one they really want to ask. Not effective or user-friendly in
the least.
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