TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
I responded personally to Martha with my HyperSnap DX recommendation
( Why did I do that? Well, because I used to capture
images the way Martha did. Then, I tried FullShot. After one year, the Rays
recommended HyperSnap DX to me, and I tried the 10-day free license. It was
no big deal to download the software and sign up for the license. I love
HyperSnap DX.
For those who "steal" software, I have no comment here as that's a different
thread we could start. In some organizations, Jane, the procurement attitude
is how you describe it. And, that's sad. My company, thankfully, has
provided us with all the tools we need to do our jobs. I know I'm very
I guess I just wanted to set Martha free. I used to capture images the way
she described. However, screen capture software makes that method seem
old-fashioned and antiquated. It is the year 2001 (okay, flame me!). Even if
I use the tool for 30 seconds every two weeks, as Jane mentioned, it's well
worth the $50 US that I spent. I write policy and procedures, so I don't
capture images on a daily, or even weekly, basis. However, I find that
screen capture software has been not only a great tool to use, but a great
morale builder! It makes my job much easier and more efficient.
Jane, continue to contribute. I am glad at least one person, you, responded
to Martha with steps she can take with what she currently uses. The rest of
us contributors are so pleased that we've been liberated from those steps
that we get caught up in our enthusiasm for our suggestions. (Martha:
Purchase the software. You'll be so glad you did!) Now, back to work, me.
Jenise Cook-Crabbe
Sr. Technical Writer
Pacific Life Insurance Co.
jenise -dot- cook-crabbe -at- pacificlife -dot- com
My opinion is all mine; I
hold my employer harmless, etc.
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