Re: Packaging options for small CD runs
Does anyone have suggestions for other packaging options (preferably
involving an attractive box) that would work for a small CD run?
I have encountered the same problem. I hate to say it, but my solution was to bybass offset printing altogether. Instead, the CD burning company offered to print CD inserts and labels for our jewel cases on a laser printer and to shrinkwrap the cases. The cost of designing this kind of package is low, the cost of printing it is negligible, and the process is extremely fast. The quality of the packaging is also good, believe it or not. (While I was at the CD burning company delivering the master CD, I noticed that other, larger companies were approaching product packaging the same way.) So one alternative is to find a local CD burning company that can offer these services.
We considered using boxes to deliver our products, but this is an expensive and time-consuming alternative. Boxes require extra design time, special cutting, and expensive materials that only become worthwhile if you need a large number of product packages.
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