Re: FrameMaker and Databases
I'm using FrameMaker 5.5 on Win 98.====================================================
Our company produces a database front end that our clients use to store
information relevant to their industry. The database they (and we) use is
Sybase SQL Anywhere which is ODBC compliant.
For our product, we have hundreds of reports our clients use to help them
make sense of their information. Information about these reports such as the
report title, description, notes, etc., is stored in the database also. We
want to produce a "Report Catalog" in FrameMaker which would contain fields,
etc., from that database.
We want to be able to link the FrameMaker catalog to the database so we only
have to change the information in the database, open FrameMaker, and print
an updated catalog.
What add-on products are available for FrameMaker that would allow us to do
that? I don't know any programming languages, and I don't have any
experience with development kits or SGML. I want a package that will somehow
plug in to FrameMaker and provide the functionality I'm looking for.
There are two classes of products that allow FrameMaker to become a
database publishing engine:
1. Those which cost more than $10,000 US, such as Miramo and PatternStream.
2. UniMerge from Refined Reports, which is about $700 US. I've been successfully
using UniMerge in my practice for about 7 years to produce a wide variety of
outputs, including Luckman's 1200+ page World-Wide Yellow Pages, membership directories,
product catalogs, price lists, HMO Provider Directories, mail-out questiionaires
customized for each individual, Course Guides and Course Descriptions for
colleges, and many flavors of telephone directories.
UniMerge executes from the command line on Windows and Sun Solaris platforms.
I do not have any financial interest in UniMerge. I'm just a very satisfied user.
I have a 6-page paper (PDF version 3.0) that describes how UniMerge works in some detail.
To obtain it, go to:
Click on the Resources link, and scroll down to "Dan Emory's Articles".
You'll find it there, entitled Database Publishing with UniMerge and FrameMaker.
However, the address and phone number for Refined Reports in the paper
are incorrect. The correct information is as follows:
Michael Mark
Refined Reports
Email: mmark -at- progress -dot- com (Michael Mark)
They do not have a web site, as far as I know.
A demo version is available, I believe.
Let them know I referred you.
| Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory -at- primenet -dot- com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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