Re: field codes for ToC in Word
I've inherited a document that has passed through Many
Hands over many years before landing on my desk, and I
find a few things about it curious.. the main one is
that someone, at some time in the document's past,
used extensive field codes to create the table of
contents, rather than using levels to auto-generate
the toc.
Is there now, or was there once in MS Word's past, a
reason not to base a ToC on heading levels?
I seem to recall that in Word's dim dark past, you didn't have anywhere near as much control over auto-generating ToCs, and that if you wanted to do so, you had to stick very stringently to Word's built-in styles. The other alternative was to use TC codes, which sounds like what your document has. A serious pain to put in, but they worked well if you were diligent about inserting them.
I've stripped out TC codes from several documents; they were the best solution in the Word 2.0 days, I think, but not any more.
Beth Friedman / bjf -at- wavefront -dot- com
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