Re: OT: Changing Powerpoint default font
I was going to make the same suggestion, but I thought, "hey, this is
Microsoft we're talking about. I'd better verify it first." So I tried
exactly what you are suggesting. Sure enough, it was all defaulted back
to to Times Roman when I opened it again, immediately after.
So, umm, did you actually try this? And if you got it to work, could you
provide a hint as to what incantation you chanted that contributed to
your success?
The trick, such as it is, is to make sure you opened the "real" file, not a new file based upon the Default Presentation.pot template. Further info: finding the right file in Windows Explorer and double-clicking it will open a new file based upon, not the real file. Open PowerPoint, open Default Presentation.pot, go to the Master Page (I left this step as an exercise for the reader last time), make your changes, and save it.
Honestly, it works.
Beth Friedman wrote:
> In our previous episode at 06:36 AM 7/10/00, Aoidìn Scully wrote:
> >Does anyone know how to permanently change the default fonts in Powerpoint?
> Yep. Find the default template that PowerPoint is using (it's probably in your Microsoft Office\Template directory, and named Blank Presentation.pot) and change that.
Beth Friedman / bjf -at- wavefront -dot- com
"The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." --Andrew Tanenbaum
Re: OT: Changing Powerpoint default font: From: Dick Margulis
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