Productivity Metrics

Subject: Productivity Metrics
From: "George F. Hayhoe" <george -at- ghayhoe -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 09:33:09 -0400

Andrew Plato said

<<Cold, hard cash in huge bags with dollar signs on them. That is the
ultimate measure of productivity.>>

Yes, profitability is the ultimate measure of productivity. The more
product the company produces and sells and the fewer resources it
requires to do that, the more profitable and productive the company
is. The difficult thing is to convince management that you and your
organization have contributed to the bottom line--and how much you
have contributed.

That's why meaningful productivity metrics are important.

--George Hayhoe (george -at- ghayhoe -dot- com)

George Hayhoe Associates
Voice: +1 (803) 642-2156
Fax: +1 (803) 642-9325

Winner of Three APEX 2000
Awards for Publication Excellence

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