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THANKS:tool for replacing caracters in a list of files
Subject:THANKS:tool for replacing caracters in a list of files From:Marie-Francoise Godard <mfgodard -at- yahoo -dot- fr> To:techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com Date:Mon, 27 Mar 2000 10:16:02 +0200 (CEST)
Thanks a lot for the answers, I really appreciate this
This is the summary of answers I have collected, may
be I forget some of them.
The solution I prefer is Fundunc, I could correct Html
files in a go. It is simple and clear to use.
It's available at
Notetab is suggested, this editor
seems to be nice, you can open many files at the
same time and stored under tabs. Tags are in different
colors. You can search and replace on all the
opened documents.
I haven't tried yet:
"My HTMLCleanUp 1.1 can do that on all text type files
like .HTM,
HTML and .TXT. In HTML files search-and-replace
strings, special
characters like ASCII >127 are as default converted to
"&xxxx;" tags
(may be de-selected). For further information and
downloading a 30
days fully workable free demo, see";
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